Skin Cancers - Related Article

What New Orleans area patients can do after a skin cancer diagnosis


Dr. Mary Lupo and the team of the Lupo Center for Aesthetic and General Dermatology can help New Orleans area patients with a wide range of dermatological concerns including skin cancer. When patients are dealing with growths, skin tags, or changing moles on their skin, they may be worried about the possibility of skin cancer. Working with a quality, board certified dermatologist is the best way to determine the likelihood of skin cancer and discuss prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

A skin cancer diagnosis can be very scary for patients. However, they should be well aware that they are not alone. In fact, approximately one out of every five Americans is diagnosed with some type of skin cancer in their lifetime. Patients are encouraged to educate themselves on the condition to help ease any anxieties they may experience during this time. They should know the difference in skin cancer types – non-melanoma (squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma) and melanoma types. Melanoma is known as the more aggressive form that should be taken extremely seriously, and non-melanoma can be easily removed with several different methods.

Patients who receive a skin cancer diagnosis must speak with a dedicated professional about their treatment options. Since skin cancer can be seen, it is easier to diagnose. Therefore, it is one of the cancers with the highest survival rates thanks to treatment options such as excision. Dr. Mary Lupo may speak with patients about excision in her office or may recommend a Mohs micrographic surgeon in the area who can perform surgery for more aggressive cancers and those that are in highly visible areas of the face or body. Dr. Mary Lupo can refer patients out to quality, experienced professionals who can provide quality care and treatment.

If you live in or around the New Orleans area and are interested in learning more about what needs to be done after a skin cancer diagnosis, contact the Lupo Center for Aesthetic and General Dermatology to book an appointment with Dr. Mary Lupo and her team. We recommend patients have a good understanding of what needs to be done to bring them back to health and wellness after they have been diagnosed with this condition.

Meet one of the countrys leading experts in the field of non-surgical skin rejuvenation.

Lupo Center for Aesthetic and General Dermatology
Mary P. Lupo, M.D. - Connect on Linkedin

Our mission at the Lupo Center is to provide patients with innovative, effective and ethical care to make each person look and feel their personal best. To fulfill our goal, we provide state-of-the-art medical, surgical and cosmetic treatments to all patients.

Board certified dermatologist and clinical professor of dermatology Mary P. Lupo, MD has been a leader in the field of non-surgical rejuvenation since 1983. She travels internationally to teach her innovative techniques, and her reputation brings in patients from around the country. She started the first formal residency training program for injectables and peels in 1983 at Tulane Medical School and served as past president of Women’s Dermatologic Society, adjunct professor of dermatology at Tulane and a founder of Cosmetic Boot Camp. Dr. Lupo holds membership in many prestigious dermatology associations, participates in clinical trials for approval of new drugs and devices and acts as an advisor for numerous aesthetic-minded companies.

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Lupo Center for Aesthetic and General Dermatology
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Dr. Lupo expertise and experience can't be beat! She's amazing :)
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