In order to successfully reduce the appearance of wrinkles, it is necessary to replenish what has been lost in terms of volume. The Radiesse Volumizing Filler provides the lift needed to reduce the common signs of aging that result from volume loss. This addition of volume is achieved with tiny calcium microspheres that comprise the Radiesse filler.
Dr. Mary Lupo recommends Biodegradable FDA approved Dermal Fillers
I use every FDA approved filler in my practice. Except for Bellafill which is a permanent filler.
The other fillers are all biodegradable, meaning that your body over time breaks it down so if you don't like the results and more importantly, as your face changes as you age you can accommodate the changes and keep a more natural look.
Why do you recommend biodegradable fillers?
Everyone is aware of how ridiculous and horrifying some of the long-term cosmetic results from silicon which is a permanent filler can cause. Distortion and over the course of a lifetime because of the facial changes it doesn't look natural anymore.
Therfore, I prefer the biodegradable fillers and I use the Juvederm family.
What are the most favorite fillers that you like to use?
I am a particular fan of Sculptra and Radiesse. And use them in some patients who have a very gaunt look because those are dermal stimulating devices.
These fillers aren’t just facial fillers they actually have been found to stimulate your body's production of your own new innate collagen. So I use the spectrum of fillers that are out there.
How do you use these fillers?
The analogy I would give you is it's like an artist picking different colors on the pallet of their paint is how I use fillers. For example, there are some fillers that I use more superficially that are thinner and I use them because they are less likely to cause any lumping/bumping because of their lower viscosity and their tendency to collect with each other or be cohesive or lumping.
Then I’ll use other fillers deeper. Voluma is a good example of a filler if anybody needs to be injected deeper. Typically, Sculptra and Radiesse are injected a little bit deeper. Whereas Volbella, Refine and Beletero and the thinner form of Juvéderm called Juvéderm Ultra as opposed to Ultra plus these are used more superficially.
Can any dermatology treat a patient?
The board-certified doctor has the experience and the knowledge of the science behind the filler so that they can choose the appropriate filler for the patient's age, skin thickness, the depth of the line, are you treating a line or a fold or are you recontouring.
So all of those are the things that help me to decide which filler I'm going to use in a patient. And most patients I must say are very young and need a combination of fillers, a deeper one and a more superficial one.
Contact us on : (504) 777-3047 to book an appointment with the board-certified dermatologists to learn more about fillers.
Radiesse in administered with a very fine needle and gentle technique directly into wrinkles and folds on the face for a lifted, more defined appearance. For enhancement in the chin, cheeks, and nose, Radiesse is the ideal non-surgical treatment. This filler is also sometimes used to minimize the appearance of certain types of scarring, and to plump areas on the back of the hands to diminish the appearance of tendons and veins.
Unlike some other dermal fillers, Radiesse cannot be dissolved. The characteristics of this filler are optimal in many situations, but not all. For instance, Radiesse should not be used to augment the lips or fill small lines around the mouth. This means that application is vital to the desired outcome. The experience of the injector is important. Dr. Mary Lupo has served as an educator for dermal filler technique for many years. She understands the proper depth for injections, and helps her patients experience beautiful, natural results.
Regain control over how your skin ages. Contact the Lupo Center in New Orleans for your visit with Dr. Lupo.
All you need to know about Radiesse explained by Dr. Mary Lupo
Radiesse is a gel filler made of calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA). Radiesse can be hyper blended with lidocaine to make it a thinner product and almost a liquid product similar to Sculptra.
How does Radiesse filler work?
Like Sculptra, Radiesse is a bio stimulatory filler that causes your body to make additional collagen.
What is the best use of the Radiesse filler?
This filler is FDA approved to use in the hands as it masks and conceals the noticeable tendons and veins that we get as we age.
What are the areas Radiesse filler cannot be used?
Radiesse can be used anywhere in the face except for the lip area and very close to the eyes.
Contact us today to book an appointment and to learn more about Radiesse.